Why we teach foreign languages?  

It grows children’s brain

It is a valuably and regarding life skill

It improves comprehesion and critical thinking skills

It can shape the way we think.

It is Fun

Academia Kids & Teens  Learning


Incredible things can happen for children when they learn a foreign language. Studying a foreign language helps students develop compassion and understanding of the language, values, traditions, and customs of others. Children are better equipped to absorb the nuances of a foreign language and they’re often able to speak without an accent!

Academia School’s language instructors are highly trained, native-fluent speakers who are experienced with  teaching young people. Our instructor will work one-on-one with your child to build critical speaking and listening skills, using our conversational approach and age-appropriate materials to engage and motivate. The Academia Kids & Teens  Learning program is designed to focus on your child’s individual needs and personal goals.   Kids will   learn  through fun singing, playing and laughing.



Course Detail
Private Tutoring is an ideal way to help your child  at school learning language program, improve test-taking skills, prepare for an advanced  examination.  Children learn new words and phrases through a variety of everyday situations, combining lovable video sequences, cheerful songs, interactive activities and picture dictionary.

Program includes

  • Private tutoring for students ages 8 – 17
  • Programs based on skill level, goals, and timeframe
  • 60-minute sessions  online with a live tutor through Skype


To understand a language is to gain a new perspective on the people of the world

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